August 22, 2011

Visual Guide for finding non-patent prior art with SEI

The Software Engineering Institute's digital library is yet another great resource for finding non-patent prior art.
We can search the library by following the 'Search the Library' link.
We have a few search options, let's start with a keyword search for 'touch screen camera'.
And 'Select All' to include all SEI's content.
Not only did I get few results they're aren't even that relevant.  We'll have to refine our search.

I can easily return to the search by following the link above the results.
Instead we'll search for just 'touch screen'.

36 results, that's better.  Let's take a look at the article Emerging Technologies for Software-Reliant Systems of Systems by Grace Lewis.
Here we have some bibliographic and abstract information.
 But we can download the entire report for free by following the 'Download Report' link in the middle of the page.
Now that I have the article though, it's not very relevant to my search for prior art related to touch screens.
But let's make sure and search for touch screen anyways.
There's only one result but it cites an article that may be interesting.
We'll check the references by scrolling down and looking for Voyles 1999.
 It does look like a relevant article in my search, let's see if we can't find it using Google.

Since I use the Chrome web browser I can enter my search for the author and title in the address bar.
Perfect, looks like Prof. Voyles, like many academics, keeps a website with access to his papers.
Well perhaps the article isn't as relevant as I'd like.
But if I scroll down far enough...

I find a link to download the entire paper for free.

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